Grow Your Income
Book Summary:
Grow Your Income teaches you how to make your current income work for you and offers you resources for stating your own business. It is a book for both entrepreneurs and business executives who need to generate more income from their salaries or are thinking of starting their own business. In the first half of the book, you learn how to prioritise your spending and create a plan for how to fund the life you want. It also delves into ways to grow your current income through savings and investments in financial products and businesses. The second half of the book talks you through starting your own business - the type of businesses, financing and resources available to help you succeed.
Book extract:
When you chose to become an entrepreneur, you find yourself having to wear many hats and sometimes you drop balls. With this comes defaulting to bad habits because they are familiar to us. By having a plan in place, we are insuring that this doesn't happen.
Planning is not restricting rather it can be freeing. Once you have a plan in place for how you want your business to run and what you expect to earn from it - you can create steps that will get you to your goal. Same with your finances - if you have a plan in place for what you have, what you want to have and can see what you're doing, you already have a head start on getting the financial life you want.
Critics Say:
“This book is an eye-opener and really showed me ways that I was wasting money that could otherwise have gone to an investment portfolio. It also helps because it gave me ideas on how to run a business on the side of my day job” - H.E.
“Wow! Where was this book when I was starting out after university? I would have been a millionaire several times over if I had followed the guidelines in the book. My advice - read this book now and get started on the suggestions” - T. O.